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Seattle Escribe («Seattle Writes» in Spanish) is a non-profit organization promoting literature in Spanish in the United States, especially in the state of Washington, since 2014. We offer literary workshops, creative writing classes, cultural events, gatherings, writing residences, book clubs, literary contests and publications, completely in Spanish. All our projects are free for our participants, but it should be noted that to achieve this we need to cover our expenses. To continue to offer free programing, we depend on the selfless help of our volunteers and the generosity of our sponsors.

If you want to help our cause, you can donate securely through the following link through Click and Pledge, the standard platform for processing online donations for non-profit organizations in the United States.


Your donations are 100% tax deductible thanks to Shunpike, a 501c3 organization registered with the IRS, that provides us with fiscal sponsorship and issues receipts of our donations directly to your email. Try it: it’s easy, safe and you’ll have the satisfaction of having supported a great volunteer organization. We thank you in advance for your generosity and we hope to reciprocate your generosity with our dedication and work.

Shunpike provides independent arts groups in Washington State with the services, resources, and opportunities they need to forge their own paths to sustainable success.

You can also buy our antologies:

Puentes (2017)

El juego de la lotería (2018)

Los sabores de mi tierra: recetas y añoranzas (2019)

Efectos Secundarios (2020)